Tropical Western Hemisphere warm pool WHWP (WHWP)

Monthly anomaly of the ocean surface area Ocean region that is greater than 28.5C in the Atlantic and eastern North Pac

sample plot
Correlation of 20CRV3 January SLP with the WHWP Index. (center Plot and label). Created with the Atmospheric WRIT Correlation Tool.
sample plot
Times-series from the WRIT Time-series Plotting Tool (center this)

Monthly anomaly of the ocean surface area Ocean region that is greater than 28.5C in the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific. Climatology is area for 1951-2000.

Temporal Coverage
  • Monthly values: 1948/01 to present
  • Update Status: Monthly /li>
Data Notes
  • Units: m**2
  • Missing data value: -99
Related Time-series
Original Source
  • Index is calculated at NOAA/PLS.
Time-series source dataset(s)
  • HadSST used until end of that timeseries. NOAA OI used after that until present. Both SST datasets are 1x1. Monthly anomaly of the ocean surface area Ocean region >28.5C in the Atlantic and eastern North Pacific based on 1951-2000 climatology.Anomalies are area weighted.
  • Wang, C., and D.B. Enfield, 2001 : The tropical Western Hemisphere warm pool, Geophys. Res. Lett., 28, 1635-1638.