Gilbraltat Spain SLP (NAO_GIB) Monthly Time-series

The NAO is one of the major modes of Northern Hemisphere atmospheric variability. The SLP index for the Azores is used in its calculation.

  • The North Atlantic Oscialltion is a mode of variabily in the norther hemisphere. The are different methods used to calculate it. CRU's method is the traditional one where The NAO is defined as the normalized pressure difference between a station on the Azores and one on Iceland. This is the Iceland defintion.
Temporal Coverage
  • Monthly values: 1865/01 to 2002/12
  • Update Status:Static
Data Notes
  • Units: mb
  • Missing data value: -99.0
Usage Restrictions
  • None
  • None
Related Time-series
Original Source
Time-series source dataset(s)
  • Input data is station SP measurements.
  • Hurrell, J.W., 1995: Decadal trends in the North Atlantic Oscillation and relationships to regional temperature and precipitation. Science, 269, 676-679.
  • Jones, P.D., Jo'nsson, T. and Wheeler, D., 1997: Extension to the North Atlantic Oscillation using early instrumental pressure observations from Gibraltar and South-West Iceland. Int. J. Climatol., 17, 1433-1450.